Wednesday, December 28, 2011

repeat the sounding joy.

happy holidays friends of ours.

elida is doing so well - getting stronger and more darling all the time.

we feed her little bites of thickened milk. in a week or so, we can start two short feeds a day. slow progress, but we are encouraged none the less! elida has also had good reports from her orthopedic surgeon (hips and bones are looking a okay!) yesterday, she got her first tooth. AND she can hold her head up on her own, which is transforming our lives - and hers - you can see how proud she is of being able to look around.

there is nothing quite like having a wee babe around for christmas. we are loving every second of it - even when the future seems unclear or scary. in each small moment - there is so much joy.

so to that - we say - repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy.
elida seth and amelea 


  1. We can easily see why she gives you so much joy! Happy to hear continuing good news!

  2. This brings me tears! Rejoicing joy here! Can't wait to see your little peanut on Saturday!
